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Cave Lobos Zone

Interesting zone because of large POSIDONIA and its other sea creatures.

There are different landscape undersea, La piedra de Mari-luz, La 53, La 37, La Losa de Punta Negra, La Piedra del Fangue, etc. The maximum depth is 24 metres.

Lobos Island Cave protected by regional law, offers both seabirds, especially petrels and shearwaters as important populations of starlings and pigeons that occupy the island, shelter and protection as well as coats and appropriate to their nesting cavities,
Lugar interesante por sus amplia y abundante pradera de Posidonia Oceánica, la cual es indicativo de la calidad y conservación de sus fondos marinos, y la vida animal que alberga, donde podemos encontrar la típica fauna de la zona, morenas, pulpos, sargos, abadejos, serranos y algún mero que otro…
Maximal deep 15 meters
There are also low in this area in various shalows depths ranging between 24 and 30 meters.

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